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Massage Therapy

In addition to the level of training necessary for basic licensure, Healwell's massage therapists have hundreds of hours of advanced training in oncology massage, hospital-based massage therapy, end of life care, palliative care, inter-professional communication, and the skills necessary to support people affected by serious illness.

Abigail is fully invested in palliative, complex illness and end of life care- unless massage therapy for trees ever becomes a viable career path. They have been a massage therapist since 2020 in their private studio, a high-end spa, a physiotherapy clinic, and in clients’ homes. They maintain a private practice grounded in sovereignty and informed choice, focused on gender affirming, evidence-based and client centered care for disability and chronic illness. A recovering non-profit leadership guy, they appreciate every opportunity to create meaningful connections and work with their hands.

Abigail is fully invested in palliative, complex illness and end of life care- unless massage the... Read More

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